Consulting Services
We have developed a core consulting team with experience in Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Enterprise Portal technologies, content management, application server architecture, Java development and Web Services in all phases of the software development lifecycle. In order to deliver value immediately to our client's enterprise needs, we have built our consulting talents around the J2EE and .NET technologies and have centered our development process on the Rational Unified Process (RUP).

Architectural Assessment
This is accomplished using a process in which system objectives are collected and used to audit the existing system architecture. The results of this audit are then evaluated and used to prescribe steps to improve or correct system shortcomings. Technical aspects of the system are scrutinized including scalability, availability, maintainability, trainability, stability, security, performance, technology selection and quality of implementation.

Geonine has developed a comprehensive mentoring program for providing mission-centric mentoring to our clients. By using live business cases as a backdrop, our consultants coach the application of new technology and practices while achieving real deliverables. Our consultants emphasize using our clients existing skill-sets as a backbone on which new technologies can be leveraged. By focusing on the parallels and divergences between new and traditional technologies we are able to compare and contrast approaches, practices and solutions in a manner that builds from our client's existing development foundation.

Performance and Tuning
Our consultants are adept at reviewing existing systems, components or architectures to form an independent and unbiased appraisal of how well these meet the stated objectives. Our Review Process accomplishes this. System objectives are gathered and the current performance is diagnosed. Next, we form a prognosis of probable system and user impacts and suggest systemic remedies.

Software Development
Our consultants are adept at not only merging their skills into existing software development efforts, but also have the ability to offer our breadth of industry practices and depth of specialized technologies as a "technical multiplier". By focusing on a select band of distributed technologies as applied across the breadth of industry applications. © 2006  |  Privacy Policy